Unspecification of breaklines and polygon surface features representing the same geographic features at different levels of detail are intended for display at certain scale ranges.

If the boundary feature is detailed, consider generalizing it and use the coarser representation for the overview. For example, breaklines may not be visible enough to matter at an overview display, whereas a clip polygon would be useful. The terrain dataset's Properties dialog box in ArcCatalog and the terrain layer's Properties dialog box in ArcMap both provide an indication as to whether the dataset needs to be rebuilt.Ĭonsider enabling the overview option for breakline and polygon surface feature types only if the features contain simplified geometry and are visually relevant for the anticipated display scale. Terrain dataset must already have one or more pyramid levels defined.ĭepending on the surface type associated with features added to a terrain, the terrain dataset may need to be rebuilt using Build Terrain. Input features must reside in the same feature dataset as the terrain dataset. Adds one or more feature classes to a terrain dataset. CopyFeatures_management ( in_features = nodesOutput, out_feature_class = nodesOutputFC )Īrcpy. In_y_field = endY_field, out_layer = nodesOutput ) MakeXYEventLayer_management ( table = inTable, in_x_field = endX_field , Line_type = lineType_str, spatial_reference = SpRef )Īrcpy.

Startx_field = startX_field, starty_field = startY_field ,Įndx_field = endX_field, endy_field = endY_field , XYToLine_management ( in_table = inTable, out_featureclass = flowsOutputFC , GetParameterAsText ( 6 )įlowsOutputFC = os. GetParameterAsText ( 4 )ĮndY_field = arcpy. GetParameterAsText ( 3 )ĮndX_field = arcpy. Anyone has an idea what am I doing wrong? However, once the script is done running, none of the two output feature classes (correctly written to my scratch GDB) show up in the TOC in ArcMap, which would be necessary before publishing it as a GP service. In my tool properties, I have a derived output parameter, set to multivalue to accommodate multiple feature classes that are created in the script.

Usually one would set the tool output to derived in order to accomplish that. The tool script produces two output feature classes (see below) that I would like to automatically add to the display. I am developing a Python tool script in ArcGIS 10.3.x that is meant to be later published as a GP service and consumed inside a web application (e.g.